Franciszek Andrzej Bartnicki z żoną

Franciszek Andrzej Bartnicki z żoną

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Image Dimensions 416 x 660

File Size 60.66 kb

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Title: Franciszek Andrzej Bartnicki z żoną
Always use main image? No
Unrecognized GEDCOM Code: _POSITION60 120 217 329
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Unrecognized GEDCOM Code: _PHOTO_RINMH:P182
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Unrecognized GEDCOM Code: _FILESIZE62117
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Type Photo
Globally unique Identifier EF0F7B9D5650B2E74C7780775114F4CE
Last Change 21 April 2011 - 09:05:30 - by: jflorek

The image relates to:

Franciszek Andrzej Bartnicki
ERROR 8: Array to string conversion
0 Error occurred on line 1588 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_changes_table
1 called from line 182 of file mediaviewer.php
Maria Korek
Maria Bartnicka

ERROR 8: Array to string conversion
0 Error occurred on line 1588 of file functions_print_lists.php in function print_changes_table
1 called from line 182 of file mediaviewer.php
Given Names

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