Events of close relatives
Birth 20 October 1895 - 1:00 27 28 Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
metryka urodzenia 100 Franciszki Cholewa Note: 100 PodwierzbieDziało się we wsi Samogoszcz 9/21 października 1895 goda o godz. 1 po południu. Zjawił się Paweł Cholewa gospodarz z Podwierzbia lat 26 w obecności Jana G?rojka i Stanisława Cholewy obu gospodarzy z Podwierzbia po 28 lat i przedstawili nam dziecko płci żeńskiej oświadczając, że urodziło się ono w Podwierzbiu wczoraj o godz. 1 w nocy przez małżonkę jego Jadwige z Sitników lat 26. Dziecku temu na chrzcie świętym w dniu dzisiejszym dano imię Franciszka. Rodzicami chrzestnymi byli Stanisław Cholewa i Agata Pogoda. Akt ten przeczytano obecnym i przez księdza podpisano.
Christening 21 October 1895 (Age 1 day) Samogoszcz, Polska
Note: Rodzicami chrzestnymi byli Stanisław Cholewa i Agata Pogoda
Death of mother's sibling 20 February 1896 (Age 4 months) Ostrów, paw. garwoliński
uncle: Jan Sitnik (Age 39)
Birth of a first cousin 13 March 1896 - 12:00 (Age 4 months) Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
Male cousin: Jan Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 30) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 25) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 29 January 1897 - 00:00 (Age 15 months) Nowy Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Jan Cholewa (Age 10 months)
Birth of a first cousin 13 February 1898 (Age 2) Nowy Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Eleonora Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 32) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 27) [View Family]
Marriage of father's sibling 16 February 1898 (Age 2) Świerże Górne, pow. kozienicki
uncle: Wojciech Cholewa (Age 21) Aunt-in-law: Marianna Witkowska (Age 25) [View Family]
Birth of sibling 24 February 1898 - 2:00 (Age 2) Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
Brother: Franciszek Cholewa
Birth of a first cousin 8 August 1899 (Age 3) Holendry Kozienickie, pow. kozienicki
Male cousin: Władysław Cholewa Father: Wojciech Cholewa (Age 23) Mother: Marianna Witkowska (Age 27) [View Family]
Death of sibling 14 November 1899 (Age 4) Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
Brother: Franciszek Cholewa (Age 20 months)
Birth of a first cousin 20 January 1900 - 12:00 (Age 4) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Elżbieta Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 34) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 29) [View Family]
Birth of sibling 8 April 1900 - 5:00 (Age 4) Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
Brother: Władysław Cholewa
Birth of a first cousin 30 November 1901 (Age 6) Holendry Kozienickie, pow. kozienicki
Male cousin: Jan Cholewa Father: Wojciech Cholewa (Age 25) Mother: Marianna Witkowska (Age 29) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 23 February 1902 - 23:00 (Age 6) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Anna Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 36) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 31) [View Family]
Birth of sibling 15 April 1902 (Age 6) Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
Sister: Anna Cholewa
Death of a first cousin 21 May 1902 (Age 6) Holendry Kozienickie, pow. kozienicki
Male cousin: Jan Cholewa (Age 5 months)
Marriage of father's sibling 19 November 1902 (Age 7) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
aunt: Aniela Cholewa (Age 17) Uncle-in-law: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 24) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 15 August 1903 (Age 7) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Stefania Sawicka Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 25) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 18) [View Family]
Marriage of father's sibling 25 January 1904 (Age 8) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
aunt: Franciszka Cholewa Uncle-in-law: Jan Wargocki [View Family]
Birth of sibling 13 June 1904 (Age 8) Podwierzbie, pow. garwoliński
Brother: Antoni Cholewa
Birth of a first cousin 8 July 1904 (Age 8) Holendry Kozienickie, pow. kozienicki
Female cousin: Natalia Cholewa Father: Wojciech Cholewa (Age 28) Mother: Marianna Witkowska (Age 31) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 30 October 1904 - 13:00 (Age 9) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Zofia Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 38) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 34) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 17 December 1904 - 00:00 (Age 9) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Jan Wargocki Father: Jan Wargocki (Age 26) Mother: Franciszka Cholewa (Age 17) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 23 August 1905 (Age 9) Nowy Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Stefania Sawicka (Age 2)
Death of a first cousin 16 September 1905 - 20:00 (Age 9) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Zofia Cholewa (Age 10 months)
Birth of a first cousin 20 November 1906 - 12:00 (Age 11) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Stanisław Wargocki Father: Jan Wargocki (Age 28) Mother: Franciszka Cholewa (Age 19) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 14 December 1906 - 14:00 (Age 11) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Julian Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 41) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 36) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 1906 (Age 10) Nowy Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Franciszek Sawicki Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 27) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 20) [View Family]
Marriage of father's sibling 20 January 1907 (Age 11) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
uncle: Józef Cholewa Aunt-in-law: Teofila Gozdalik [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 21 September 1907 - 00:00 (Age 11) Podole, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Michalina Cholewa Father: Józef Cholewa (Age 27) Mother: Teofila Gozdalik (Age 21) [View Family]
Birth of sibling 14 April 1908 - 21:00 (Age 12) Rozniszew, Polska
Sister: Anastazja Cholewa
Birth of a first cousin 27 June 1908 - 24:00 (Age 12) Nowy Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Eufemia Sawicka Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 30) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 23) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 15 December 1908 - 00:00 (Age 13) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Stefania Wargocka Father: Jan Wargocki (Age 30) Mother: Franciszka Cholewa (Age 21) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 18 December 1908 - 00:00 (Age 13) Nowy Gruszczyn, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Zofia Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 43) Mother: Marianna Cytryniak (Age 38) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 7 January 1909 - 00:00 (Age 13) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Stefania Wargocka (Age 23 days)
Birth of a first cousin 21 July 1909 - 00:00 (Age 13) Podole, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Marianna Cholewa Father: Józef Cholewa (Age 29) Mother: Teofila Gozdalik (Age 23) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 1910 (Age 14) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Helena Sawicka Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 31) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 24) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 21 January 1910 - 2:00 (Age 14) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Wacława Marianna Wargocka Father: Jan Wargocki (Age 32) Mother: Franciszka Cholewa (Age 22) [View Family]
Marriage of father's sibling 30 January 1910 (Age 14) Ostrołęka, pow. grójecki
aunt: Paulina Cholewa Uncle-in-law: Józef Zielony (Age 18) [View Family]
Birth of sibling 30 April 1910 - 10:00 (Age 14) Rozniszew, Polska
Brother: Stanisław Cholewa
Death of a first cousin 10 July 1910 (Age 14) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Wacława Marianna Wargocka (Age 5 months)
Marriage of sibling 13 September 1910 (Age 14) Rozniszew, Polska
Sister: Marianna Cholewa (Age 21) Brother-in-law: Stanisław Jarecki (Age 22) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin about 1911 (Age 15) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Władysław Wargocki Father: Jan Wargocki (Age 33) Mother: Franciszka Cholewa (Age 23) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 17 July 1911 (Age 15) Ostrołęka, pow. grójecki
Female cousin: Maria Kazimiera Zielona Father: Józef Zielony (Age 20) Mother: Paulina Cholewa (Age 20) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 1912 (Age 16) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Regina Marianna Sawicka Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 33) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 26) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 1912 (Age 16) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Marianna Franciszka Sawicka Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 33) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 26) [View Family]
Marriage of sibling 24 January 1912 (Age 16) Rozniszew, Polska
Sister: Zofia Cholewa (Age 18) Brother-in-law: Jan Marczak (Age 24) [View Family]
Marriage of a first cousin 14 February 1912 (Age 16) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
Female cousin: Jadwiga Cholewa (Age 20) Cousin-in-law: Józef Sobieraj (Age 26) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 26 August 1912 - 8:00 (Age 16) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Władysław Wargocki (Age 19 months)
Birth of a first cousin 21 February 1913 (Age 17) Ostrołęka, pow. grójecki
Female cousin: Helena Zielona Father: Józef Zielony (Age 21) Mother: Paulina Cholewa (Age 22) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 10 April 1913 (Age 17) Anielin, gm. Magnuszew, Polska
niece: Regina Jarecka Father: Stanisław Jarecki (Age 24) Mother: Marianna Cholewa (Age 23) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 14 May 1913 (Age 17) Ostrołęka, pow. grójecki
Female cousin: Helena Zielona (Age 2 months)
Marriage of a first cousin 27 January 1914 (Age 18) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
Female cousin: Agata Cholewa (Age 20) Cousin-in-law: Edward Grądziel (Age 21) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 3 April 1914 (Age 18) Ostrołęka, pow. grójecki
Female cousin: Julianna Zielona Father: Józef Zielony (Age 22) Mother: Paulina Cholewa (Age 23) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 1914 (Age 18) Rozniszew, Polska
niece: Marianna Marczak Father: Jan Marczak (Age 26) Mother: Zofia Cholewa (Age 20) [View Family]
Death of a nephew or niece 1914 (Age 18) Rozniszew, Polska
niece: Marianna Marczak
Birth of a nephew or niece 1 August 1915 (Age 19) Zagroby, gm. Magnuszew
niece: Emilia Jarecka Father: Stanisław Jarecki (Age 27) Mother: Marianna Cholewa (Age 26) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 1915 (Age 19) Rozniszew, Polska
nephew: Stanisław Marczak Father: Jan Marczak (Age 27) Mother: Zofia Cholewa (Age 21) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 1916 (Age 20) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Andrzej Sawicki Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 37) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 30) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin about 1916 (Age 20) Holendry Kozienickie, pow. kozienicki
Male cousin: Bolesław Zielony Father: Józef Zielony (Age 24) Mother: Paulina Cholewa (Age 24) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 6 October 1916 (Age 20) Holendry Kozienickie, pow. kozienicki
Male cousin: Bolesław Zielony
Birth of a nephew or niece about 1917 (Age 21)
nephew: Józef Marczak Father: Jan Marczak (Age 29) Mother: Zofia Cholewa (Age 23) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 13 October 1918 - 10:00 (Age 22) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Regina Marianna Sawicka (Age 6)
Death of a first cousin 1918 (Age 22) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Marianna Franciszka Sawicka (Age 6)
Birth of a nephew or niece 6 January 1918 (Age 22) Zagroby, gm. Magnuszew
nephew: Antoni Jarecki Father: Stanisław Jarecki (Age 29) Mother: Marianna Cholewa (Age 28) [View Family]
Birth of a first cousin 25 July 1918 (Age 22) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Stefania Anna Sawicka Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 40) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 33) [View Family]
Death of father's sibling 28 June 1919 - 15:00 (Age 23) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
aunt: Aniela Cholewa (Age 34)
Marriage Religious Marriage Kornel Wieczorek - [View Family]
26 November 1919 (Age 24) Kolonia Rozniszew, gm. Magnuszew
Marriage of a first cousin 26 November 1919 (Age 24) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
Female cousin: Elżbieta Cholewa (Age 19) Cousin-in-law: Paweł Oliwa [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 1919 (Age 23) Rozniszew, Polska
niece: Helena Marczak Father: Jan Marczak (Age 31) Mother: Zofia Cholewa (Age 25) [View Family]
Marriage of a first cousin 16 May 1920 (Age 24) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
Female cousin: Eleonora Cholewa Cousin-in-law: Władysław Kozłowski [View Family]
Death of a grand-parent 18 May 1920 - 9:00 (Age 24) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Grandmother: Franciszka Skorek (Age 73)
Birth of a child #1 17 August 1920 - 17:00 (Age 24) Anielin, gm. Magnuszew, Polska
Daughter: Anna Wieczorek
Birth of a nephew or niece 10 October 1920 (Age 24) Zagroby, Polska
nephew: Józef Jarecki Father: Stanisław Jarecki (Age 32) Mother: Marianna Cholewa (Age 31) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 11 November 1920 (Age 25) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Stefania Anna Sawicka (Age 2)
Death of a grand-parent 10 September 1921 - 17:00 (Age 25) Chmielew, gm. Magnuszew
Grandfather: Jan Cholewa (Age 75)
Birth of a nephew or niece about 1921 (Age 25)
nephew: Feliks Marczak Father: Jan Marczak (Age 33) Mother: Zofia Cholewa (Age 27) [View Family]
Birth of a child #2 19 February 1923 (Age 27) Anielin, gm. Magnuszew, Polska
Son: Józef Wieczorek
Birth of a first cousin 18 August 1924 (Age 28) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Józef Sawicki Father: Wojciech Sawicki (Age 46) Mother: Aniela Cholewa (Age 39) [View Family]
Marriage of a first cousin 8 October 1924 (Age 28) Ostrołęka, pow. grójecki
Male cousin: Jan Wargocki Cousin-in-law: Katarzyna Markiewicz [View Family]
Death of father 11 October 1924 - 2:00 (Age 28) Rozniszew, Polska
Father: Paweł Cholewa (Age 56)
Birth of a child #3 1925 (Age 29) Son: Stanisław Wieczorek
Marriage of sibling 28 October 1925 (Age 30) Rozniszew, Polska
Brother: Władysław Cholewa (Age 25) Sister-in-law: Zofia Derlacka (Age 23) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece about 1925 (Age 29)
nephew: Jerzy Milewski Father: Wacław Milewski (Age 29) Mother: Anna Cholewa (Age 22) [View Family]
Marriage of a first cousin 10 February 1926 (Age 30) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
Female cousin: Anna Cholewa (Age 23) Cousin-in-law: Antoni Wachnik [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 4 July 1927 (Age 31) Warszawa, Polska
niece: Zofia Milewska Father: Wacław Milewski (Age 31) Mother: Anna Cholewa (Age 25) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 28 December 1927 (Age 32) Żelechów, pow. garwoliński
niece: Krystyna Cholewa Father: Władysław Cholewa (Age 27) Mother: Zofia Derlacka (Age 26) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece about 1927 (Age 31)
nephew: Gabriel Cholewa Father: Antoni Cholewa (Age 22) Mother: Małgorzata Janczewska (Age 21) [View Family]
Marriage of a first cousin 9 February 1929 (Age 33) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Natalia Cholewa (Age 24) Cousin-in-law: Hipolit Glinka (Age 23) [View Family]
Birth of a child #4 22 December 1929 (Age 34) Anielin, gm. Magnuszew, Polska
Son: Zenon Wieczorek
Death of sibling 5 November 1930 (Age 35) Warszawa, Polska
Brother: Antoni Cholewa (Age 26)
Birth of a nephew or niece 1931 (Age 35)
niece: Alina Milewska Father: Wacław Milewski (Age 35) Mother: Anna Cholewa (Age 28) [View Family]
Birth of a nephew or niece 3 July 1932 (Age 36) Kolonia Rozniszew, gm. Magnuszew
niece: Teodora Cholewa Father: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 22) Mother: Kazimiera Marchewka (Age 20) [View Family]
Marriage of a first cousin 27 December 1933 (Age 38) Mniszew, pow. Kozienice, Polska
Male cousin: Władysław Cholewa Cousin-in-law: Henryka Boba [View Family]
Death of mother's sibling 9 January 1934 (Age 38) Ostrów, paw. garwoliński
uncle: Kazimierz Sitnik (Age 72)
Death of sibling 14 January 1934 - 16:00 (Age 38) Warszawa, Polska
Brother: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 23)
Death of father's sibling 3 March 1936 - 3:00 (Age 40) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
uncle: Wojciech Cholewa (Age 59)
Death of a child 1938 (Age 42) Son: Stanisław Wieczorek (Age 13)
Death of father's sibling 3 October 1938 - 16:00 (Age 42) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
uncle: Stanisław Cholewa (Age 72)
Marriage of a nephew or niece 4 February 1941 (Age 45) Ryczywół, pow. kozienicki
niece: Regina Jarecka Spouse: Jan Jakubiak (Age 23) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 15 April 1942 - 1:00 (Age 46) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Helena Sawicka (Age 32)
Marriage of a child 14 February 1943 (Age 47) Rozniszew, Polska
Daughter: Anna Wieczorek (Age 22) Son-in-law: Józef Kuźnia (Age 24) [View Family]
Death of a nephew or niece 19 March 1943 (Age 47)
nephew: Feliks Marczak (Age 22)
Marriage of a nephew or niece 18 August 1943 (Age 47) Magnuszew, Polska
niece: Regina Jarecka Spouse: Bronisław Jakubiak (Age 28) [View Family]
Death of sibling 19 August 1943 (Age 47) Sister: Zofia Cholewa (Age 49)
Marriage of a child 21 November 1943 (Age 48) Magnuszew, Polska
Son: Józef Wieczorek (Age 20) Daughter-in-law: Wacława Kuźnia (Age 20) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 2 August 1944 - 12:00 (Age 48) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Female cousin: Agata Cholewa (Age 50)
Death of mother 18 August 1944 (Age 48) Mother: Jadwiga Sitnik (Age 76)
Death of a nephew or niece 29 August 1944 (Age 48) Warszawa, Polska
nephew: Jerzy Milewski (Age 19)
Marriage of a nephew or niece February 1945 (Age 49) Garwolin, Polska
nephew: Józef Jarecki (Age 24) Spouse: Cecylia Kuźnia (Age 23) [View Family]
Death of spouse 14 May 1945 (Age 49) Spouse: Kornel Wieczorek (Age 51)
Death of sibling 18 August 1945 (Age 49) Zagroby, Polska
Sister: Marianna Cholewa (Age 56)
Birth of a nephew or niece 1945 (Age 49)
niece: Elżbieta Milewska Father: Wacław Milewski (Age 49) Mother: Anna Cholewa (Age 42) [View Family]
Birth of a grandchild #1 22 August 1948 (Age 52) Anielin, gm. Magnuszew, Polska
Grandson: Mirosław Wieczorek Father: Józef Wieczorek (Age 25) Mother: Wacława Kuźnia (Age 25) [View Family]
Death of a first cousin 5 March 1949 (Age 53) Gruszczynek, gm. Magnuszew
Male cousin: Józef Sawicki (Age 24)
Birth of a grandchild #2 16 October 1949 (Age 53) Grandson: Szczepan Henryk Kuźnia Father: Józef Kuźnia (Age 31) Mother: Anna Wieczorek (Age 29) [View Family]
Death 11 July 1964 (Age 68) Anielin, gm. Magnuszew, Polska
Burial Rozniszew, Polska
Cemetery: Cmentarz Parafialny
Globally unique Identifier 009211A6EE92992D402B3815554D9F65
Last Change 3 December 2012 - 07:39:31 - by: jflorek